Total Number of Children with Preschool Education
Current Number of Children In Preschool Education
Number of Children in Preschool Education under FSP
Number of Children in Preschool Education under SOS Children’s Village Care
SOS Kindergarten provides pre-school care and education services for 18 months old and 5 year old children. Students can enroll in full-time or part-time education according to the preference of parents. The aim of the SOS Kindergarten is to provide care and education to children in SOS Children’s Village, Child Protection Prevention and Family Empowerment Project and to all children in need of pre-school education.
In SOS Kindergarten, daily training programs that support the development of children’s cognitive, social-emotional, self-care and physical aspects equally are implemented. Each child’s development process is observed and individual development files are created for each child. Trip-observation, artistic and cultural activities (theater, cinema, museum, exhibition etc.) are organized to support the education system. Children with developmental problems are given the opportunity to develop within the framework of existing resources and infrastructure.
It organizes and supports the in-service training of trainers. Prepare plans and programs for children and families. It works collectively on school, family and other fields to ensure that children's problems are resolved in a timely manner. Makes private and community open conferences, seminars and workshops for kindergarten parents.
It prepares monthly food menus to ensure a healthy and balanced diet.
Art Room, Music room, Sleeping Areas, Kitchen, Outdoor Playgrounds
SOS Çocukköyü Derneği © 2022
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